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10 Things I Have to Keep Re-learning in Life.

I often wish life and the learning that comes with it were linear. You do something, make a mistake or have a realization and move forward. Learn the next thing and the next and the next!

Well, that’s far from what really happens — at least with me.

I have aha moments and then I fall back into patterns. I learn from a mistake and find myself doing it all over again.

Initially, I used to beat myself up for it — mentally. Today, I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that unlearning and re-learning aren’t exactly linear processes. It takes time. I just need to keep going.

So what are some of these things that I need to constantly remind myself?

Here goes!

  1. Weight loss isn’t my goal, a healthy lifestyle is! Weight loss may be a consequence. And yes, I move from a size S to an M and vice-versa every 4–5 years. That’s normal for me.

  2. Don’t take work so seriously even if you love it….Too much of anything can be bad. And feelings of inadequacy at work are more of my brain playing games with me than being an actual reality.

  3. You’re just a tiny, tiny speck in this universe. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Let go off things that you are holding onto out of ego that makes you think you are indestructible or immortal. You too shall pass, like everyone else.

  4. Don’t dwell too much on others opinion or view…that’s shaped by their experiences, fears, life choices and more. It reflects who they are more than who you are.

  5. You can’t receive the love from others that you can’t give yourself. Our mind has a way of telling us we don’t deserve any extra love that we get from others that we can’t give ourselves. And that can play out in different ways, one of which could be sabotaging loving relationships.

  6. The ability to love others multiplies when you love yourself. And loving yourself is not a selfish thing to do.

  7. Sometimes you will find yourself standing alone in a battle. That does not necessarily mean you are wrong. It could also mean that your story is either not heard or understood yet — and that’s okay. It’s okay even if no one understands it as long as you do.

  8. Love is not about how desirable or likable you are but more about how much you can give. Every time you feel insecure about being loved, focus your attention on loving — on what you can give versus what you can receive.

  9. Silence, quiet time, breaks, me-time are all important. It is easy to get pulled into the rapid pace of life. It is far more difficult to choose to relax, just be and do nothing. And doing nothing often has the most positive impact on my perspective and productivity.

  10. Learning can never be linear. You’ll have realizations and not be able to act on it. You’ll have realizations, make some changes and then fall back into old patterns. But if you persist, one day, things will change and you wouldn’t even know it until much later.

That’s it. Calling it a day! :)


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